Copyright transfer policy

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1st Laser Ignition Conference (LIC'13)

Authors reserve the following rights:

  1. 1. Retain all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.
  2. 2. Reuse all or Portions of the accepted paper in other works.
  3. 3. Distribution of copies that are not offered for sale.
  4. 4. Reproduction for the author's personal / company use with the permission.

Please note that, although authors are permitted to reuse all or portions of our copyrighted material in other works, this does not include granting third-party requests for reprinting, republishing, or other types of reuse.

The range of copyright transfer:

  1. 1. Publication in the conference digest of 1st Laser ignition conference (LIC' 13).
  2. 2. Rights for publishing any media.
I will abide by the following conditions of reproduction.
  1. 1. I will make all reasonable efforts to act in the interests of the authors and employers as well as in my own interest.
  2. 2. A credit line "The 1st Laser Ignition Conference (LIC'13), Yokohama, Japan, Apr. 23-25, 2013"
      and paper number must be added to the content of the conference digest.
  3. 3. The content will not be modified except abstraction to the gist.