The 125th Committee on Mutual Conversion between Light and Electricity, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
The 162nd Committee on Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Photonic and Electronic Devices, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Advanced Laser and Process Technology Research Association (ALPROT)
Akasaki Research Center (ARC), Nagoya University
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
The Chemical Society of Japan
Combustion Society of Japan
European Physical Society (EPS)
The IFE Forum (IFE: Inertial Fusion Energy)
The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ)
The Imaging Society of Japan
Institute for Laser Council
Institute for Laser Technology
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
Investigation Committee on Biomedical Optics
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Japan Laser Processing Society
Japan LED Association (JLEDS)
Japan Optoelectro-Mechanics Association (JOEM)
Japan Photonics Council (JPC)
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine
Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists (JSABEES)
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics (JSAI)
The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery (JSAM)
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Japanese Society of Farm Work Research (JSFWR)
Japanese Society of Medical and Biological Engineering
The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion
KAPID (Korea)
Laboratory of Bio-Sensing Engineering, Kyoto University
Landmasses Stuttgart GmbH (Germany)
LANSA Organizing Committee
Laser Display Technology Group (LDT) of Optical Society of Japan (OSJ), JSAP
The Laser Society of Japan
LIC Organizing Committee
LPCC Organizing Committee
The Micro Solid-Sate Photonics Group of The Laser Society of Japan
Nagoya Laser Technopole
The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
The Optical Society of America (OSA)
Optoelectronics Industry and Technology Development Association (OITDA)
Photon Frontier Network
PIDA (Taiwan)
The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan (SASJ)
Society of Automotive Engneers of Japan
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan