
ジョイントセッション LEDIA&LDC のプログラムを発表。 January 14, 2015

4月22日(水)Plenary Sessionに続いて、午後に下記題名の〔Joint Session LEDIA&LDC 〕が行われます。
“Advanced GaN-based Light-Emitting Devices and Their Applications”

■Opening Remarks
H.Amano (Nagoya Univ.)、LEDIA Conf.Chair
“GaN Light Emitting Devices (LED and LD)”

K.Kuroda  (Utsunomiya Univ.)、LDC Conf.Chair
“Laser Display and Lighting”

■Invited papers
U. Steegmueller (Osram Opto Semiconductors)
“Blue laser diode technology and applications”

S.Masui (Nichia)
“Watt-level Green/Blue Laser Diodes ”

S. Watababe (Philips Lumileds Lighting) 
“Progress of LED technologies and their application in solid state lighting”

Y. Mori (Osaka Univ.)
“Bulk GaN crystal growth by Na flux and OVPE methods”
T. Ikeda (Pi Photonics) “High directional LED lighting for forming pattern, HOLOLIGHT : its business developments and prospects”

H. Urey (Koç University)
“3D and wearable laser displays”